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Calculation & terms and conditions

As a rule, two prices are charged for all commissioned work:


Price 1: working fee. Here I offset the estimated workload for the respective order. Per hour = 70 euros

Price 2: rights of use. As with a stock image, the use of a commissioned work is charged. A distinction is made between simple and exclusive rights. Exclusive use excludes the use of third parties. The extent, distribution and duration of use also play a role in the exact calculation. For the calculation of the individual factors I adhere to the guidelines of the Illustratoren Organization eV.


Price 1 + Price 2 = total net plus 7% VAT = total gross

Advice and cooperation, as well as print data and their transmission are included in the normal framework.


In principle, and unless otherwise agreed, the terms and conditions of the illustrator organization apply to all orders.


Please download it if necessary and read it carefully!

General terms and conditions according to the standard of illustrator illustration

Terms and Conditions in English

For all other orders in the field of painting, individual prices apply depending on the effort, size and type of creation of the work of art. If you are interested in one or more of my works, please contact me.

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